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1x - Hard - No MC c01.dura-online.com
Uptime: 98.92%
Port: 7010
Players: 64 / 2000
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There are 27146 players online on 462 servers
Last Update: February 6, 2025, 7:43 pm

We have 535 servers in our database
Current Time: February 6, 2025, 7:43 pm

Candia Added
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Players: 4 / 2000
Points: 83
Monsters: 85571
NPCs: 1078
Uptime: 99.98%
Peak Record: 16 players online on January 10, 2025, 3:10 pm CET
Server: Canary 3.0
Owner: Valoria
Added: January 1, 2025, 10:43 pm CET
Updated: 6 min. ago

Server description

Welcome to Valoria!

Experience a revamped world with new monsters, quests, bosses, and equipment. Spells, cooldowns, and attack speeds have been rebalanced for a more custom gameplay.

Server Details:
IP: valoria.one
Port: 7171
Clients: Tibia Client 1340 / OTCv8 Client 11.00
Location: South Germany (Swedish staff, active admins)
Uptime: 24/7
Server Rates & Features:
Exp Stages: Low/medium can be boosted with global events, exp scrolls, and stamina bonuses)
Loot Rate: 2x
Server Type: RPG/PvP with protection until level 20
Map: Global map including Falcon Bastion, Issavi etc + custom cities
Quests: Global quests + custom quests and bosses.
Key Features:
Clients Supported: Tibia Client 1340 (includes sounds, better features) and OTCv8. Choose what suits your playstyle!
Prey System: Hunt-specific creatures for bonuses.
Character Bazaar: min level 45 for sell chars
Daily Rewards: Special rewards for both clients.
Offline Trainers: Train while you're offline.
Classic Features: 7.4-style stair jump, rune making, and no level restrictions on some equipment.
Imbuement System
Valoria Account (VIP): Get 3 free days when you join, plus 3 more with email verification. Gain boosted exp, loot, and skill progression.
Wheel of Destiny: Unlock more benefits on Tibia Client 1340.
Unique SDs: Physical attack runes instead of death damage.
UH Healing: Works like health potions, healing up to 1125 HP (scales with level).
Unique Features:
Custom Task System: Use !task or task boards to earn points.
Custom Quests & Bosses: Rare rewards and 3-10hour cooldowns.
New Cities: Discover Peace Village, Desert City, Bravebury, Including Candia. and more!
Free Starter Reward: Get an exercise weapon with !reward.
Custom Shops: Spend task points for rewards, including mobile forge items.
TP Section: Explore custom islands with unique monsters and loot.
Quick Start Guide:
Type !autoloot for a tutorial on the loot system.
Use !task to gather points and unlock rewards.
Claim your starter reward with !reward.
Verify your account to get 3 free Valoria Account days.
Why Join Valoria?
Active admins with regular updates.
Player-driven changes and community-focused staff.
Start your journey today – see you in-game!