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Updated Task Shop tibiarealm.se
Uptime: 98.95%
Port: 7171
Players: 3 / 2000
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Last Update: October 10, 2024, 10:37 am

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Current Time: October 10, 2024, 10:37 am

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saiyansreturn.com Return of the Saiyans is an MMORPG that takes you into a world inspired by the Dragon Ball anime. Choose your favorite character and embark on a PvE adventure. If you have the courage, engage in epic PvP battles during events and in the open world wars. Starts in:

* Ip Server Name Players / Max Uptime Pts EXP * *
sweden Otservlogin.ezodus.netRL 10 NEWCOMER BOOST0 (3547) / 200099.06%158x50PVP[ 13.3 ]
sweden Otservstatus.evolunia.netFun Evo PVPE 6 Years351 (975) / 200099.79%250x100PVPe[ 10.98 ]
sweden Otserveu.spider-server.comSpiderOT HighEXP54 (219) / 100099.63%172x999PVP[ n/a ]
sweden Otservacidsot.comAcidsOT Unique Retro0 (48) / 200098.12%143x20PVP[ 8.6 ]
sweden Otservgame.faloria.onlineFaloria 7.441 (190) / 200099.91%166x2PVP[ 7.4 ]
sweden Otserveu.midhem.comPERMA LOWRATE1 (211) / 60098.33%150x1PVP[ 8.0 ]
sweden Otserveu.midhem.comTEMPRA FAST ATK77 (337) / 60091.57%207x4PVP[ 8.0 ]
sweden Otservlogin.oxygenot.liveS8 EVO - Proxy40 (553) / 100099.49%167x50PVP[ n/a ]
sweden Otservascalon.onlineAscalon RPG2 (396) / 60099.91%149x5PVP[ n/a ]
sweden Otservplay.ironco.reIRONMAN22 (118) / 200099.89%150x1nPVP[ 7.1 ]
sweden Otservevorpg.netevoRPG0 (9) / 200099.35%130x100PVP[ 10.98 ]
sweden Otservworldwar.hopto.orgWorld War 8.10 (5) / 20099.39%128x3WAR[ 8.1 ]
sweden Otservremindot.hopto.orgRPG Classic OT maps1 (18) / 20099.65%130x10PVP[ 8.0 ]
sweden Otservlogin.gamelaots.onlineEvo Start 7-9 Custom9 (50) / 200099.72%135x200PVPe[ 8.6 ]
sweden Otservxynnet.comxynNet0 (19) / 200099.59%124x30nPVP[ 13.3 ]
sweden Otservlunartibia.comhazard system12 (22) / 200097.15%128x4PVP[ 13.3 ]
sweden Otservlogin.deluxeot.comDeluxeOT2 (52) / 200099.76%120x250PVP[ 13.3 ]
sweden Otservshylveria.netS4 Start 29-06-20240 (69) / 100099.92%119x100PVP[ n/a ]
sweden Otservcustomtibia.comHype Fast Attack 7.90 (14) / 2000100%101x666PVPe[ 7.92 ]
sweden Otservelythia.zapto.orgElythia1 (14) / 200097.96%85x7nPVP[ 13.3 ]
sweden Otservtibiarealm.seUpdated Task Shop3 (15) / 200098.95%116x5PVP[ n/a ]
sweden Otservevolera.me------BETA TEST-----1 (12) / 50099.98%81x9999PVPe[ 8.6 ]
sweden Otservrealots86.zapto.orgGlobal Real Start 862 (6) / 100099.73%40x150PVP[ 8.6 ]
sweden Otservlogin.kingdom-war.orgKingdom-WAR0 (8) / 200089.57%28x8PVP[ 13.3 ]
sweden Otservhighlandot.zapto.orgHighlandOT1 (6) / 50099.21%17x10PVP[ 8.6 ]